Friday, February 11, 2011

Tot School - 22 months

Doing Tot School - having a plan for purposeful play - is so fulfilling for both Maddie and I! We're both having so much fun, and it's so interesting to see which activities she gets and loves right away:DSC_0205

Which ones she struggles with and masters:DSC_0269

Which ones involve skills she just doesn't quite have yet:DSC_0212

and which ones she changes because her way is better!DSC_0020

Of course, making Valentine's with heart doilies and stickers (thanks Aunt Katrina!) was a blast (Maddie was the one who put one sticker on each Valentine and she was working on adding exactly one pom pom to each - she loves order): DSC_0033

And get a load of this awesome puzzle - it was just MADE for a little girl who loves things that GO! (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Bailey!) DSC_0041

There was a lot of "Self, self!" this week, so here's Maddie working diligently on putting glue on the hearts by herself! DSC_0025

She was very pleased with the finished Love Bug project. Can you hear the, "Oooooh!" being exclaimed?DSC_0028

Maddie also made some very special wrapping paper this week! (Thanks to Shannon over at the tpcraft blog for this fantastic idea!)DSC_0228

She did such a great job and clearly enjoyed herself!

So it was another great week at the Bailey household, though I was sick and out of it on Wednesday (Maddie kept telling me I should take a nap). If only! Hope you had a great week, too!


  1. The wrapping paper she made looks fantastic and she looks so proud! Thanks for the link back.

  2. Oh, and I had to laugh because we have those same IKEA bowls and love them!!! I think I use the entire set every single day.
