See that ticker? It's down to 8 days now, and today was the last date/weight guess. So ha! You're all losers! Wait, I'm the one who's still ridiculously pregnant and downing quarts of labor tea, evening primrose oil, and crawling around on my hands and knees to try and motivate this kid to come join us out here. Hmmmmm...perhaps YOU are not the loser.
But a few people have told me that they're sad that no one won. Or, more specifically, that THEY didn't win. Well, me too. So, if you want, feel free to guess again! Baby Boy Bailey is due 11/23, seems to have recovered from his bout of making us think he'd arrive early, and is quite cozy. We may not see him until Christmas. Meanwhile, I may have to invest in a muumuu in order to leave the house, because I am gigantic, as my friend Fran screamed at me in Federal Hill the other night while I was waddling to the thai restaurant for spicy curry, all in an attempt to induce labor.
So, when's he coming and what's he going to weigh? If anyone guesses more than 10lbs, you are instantly disqualified from all possible winnings, and possibly from our friendship.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the
Wanna Be a Winner? post from almost a month ago (le sigh).