Wednesday, September 8, 2010



When we were preparing for Maddie's arrival, I was deeply involved in reading up on and choosing the safest and most highly rated baby gear, finding the best cloth diapers, learning how to make my baby the Happiest Baby on the Block, and outfitting her nursery in the most perfect shades of green, lilac, and cream with matching dragonfly accents.

This time, nesting is still a lot about her - finishing up the scrapbook of her first year, making her a baby doll nursing cover and mei tai, and just taking care of her daily needs. There's not been a ton of time (or need!) to invest my energy into researching baby containment devices/toys/baby gear. Instead, I've been investing my time in planning the birth of this beautiful baby boy.

We had planned a natural birth with Maddie, but then we ended up with ICP, were induced just before 36 weeks, and our plans changed. But we got to bring home a healthy, beautiful baby girl, so we were definitely NOT disappointed.

This time, we've been blessed with not having to deal with ICP - with having a pretty regular, ho-hum pregnancy, and it's such a wonderful and welcome change. We planned to delivery at the University of Maryland, where the specialists are that we were referred to when I was pregnant with Maddie. But every time I went for an appointment, I left upset and anxious, and finally I decided I wanted something different for this baby's birth and since we don't need those specialists.

We toured Special Beginnings, a stand-alone birth center in Arnold, MD. It didn't take many words from David, one of the very friendly and warm midwives, to convince me this would be a good fit for us. They treat pregnancy as a natural and normal part of a family's life, not as though it's a medical condition. They are very low-tech and personal, though if you need more care, they're close to the hospital and will get you there to receive that care.

We made the switch and I feel so at ease about our choice. Our baby will be born at the center, likely in the water, and will be given to me right away - not rushed off to be weighed and bathed and whatnot. The birth will be about us, as a family, and if all goes well, we'll all head home 4-6hrs after he is born so he can meet his sister! When they told us that part at the tour, Dakota says I let out a happy little squeal.

I'm also using Hypnobabies to prepare for his birth. It's a wonderfully relaxing self-hypnosis program that is helping me sleep better now, and will help when his birthing time arrives, which at this point, I am just thoroughly excited for!

So this time, preparing for baby's arrival has been very different. He doesn't have a room that's decorated for him (haha - he doesn't even have a room!), or a brand new bouncer waiting to cradle him. Instead, he's got a Mommy and a Daddy and a sister who are preparing to meet him, knowing that everything else will work itself out. Oh, and he has his Birth Day flags, which I finished today. Maddie got hers on her first birthday, but we plan to hang his in the room where he is born - on his Birth Day!

Nesting - funny how it changes.

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