Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Daddy's Day!

Before becoming a father, Dakota had never spent a lot of time with kids, so I didn't really know what he would be like as a Dad. I knew he was a great guy, a wonderful husband, and I assumed he'd be a good Dad, but I had no idea he'd turn out to be the amazing Dad he is. I didn't know how much his daughter would love him, how his son's eyes would light up when he walks in the room, or how much my heart would swell when I watch him with the kids, tickling them, singing them songs, putting bandaids on booboos and kisses on bonked heads.

We love you, honey. Thank you for all that you do and all that you are.


  1. STINKIN' ADORABLE!!!!! I love it!! Maybe when you're here you can show me how you do these awesome videos?

  2. Thanks! Do you have a Mac? We'll bring the laptop and show you imovie - it's awesome. If you don't have a Mac, you'll want one. Sooooo much better than the alternative.

  3. This is so wonderful. IT was really a delight to start our morning off with.

  4. I love the video! Thanks for a great Father's Day.
