We had some friends over for a little birthday playdate:
We had chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting:
And we had some more friends over, but I mostly ate pizza while they played:
Then on my actual birthday Mommy and Daddy led Toddler Morning Out! We played four corners, red light green light, read Trucks at Work, had parachute time, painted with marbles, did station work...but Mommy and Daddy were very busy playing with us so they only got pictures of...more chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting!
Gavin didn't get any.
Unle Kenny got there just in time for cupcakes, but he's not in the pictures either.
Later I got to open my presents!
Mommy and Daddy told me to hold this one up and show them. So I did.
That's the movie Cars! I got to watch it after we opened presents. I LOVE that movie.
I got a lot of stuff that goes!!!
And Uncle read me this book:
Then Mommy and I went to pick up Aunt Katrina. When we got home, I found THIS!
I sat down and played with it for hours until they made me go to bed. It was waaaaaay past my bedtime.
The next morning it was no longer my birthday, but Mommy and Daddy realized they forgot to have me blow out my candle, so...more birthday cupcakes for meeeeeee!
All in all, I think I had a pretty amazing second birthday!
A pretty amazing birthday indeed!