Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a Weekend!

This weekend was so much fun!  On Saturday morning I helped Mommy make a fruit salad.  I had watermelon, grapes, cantaloupe, and bananas!  It was yummy and I was a really big helper.  She said she couldn't have done it without me, and I know that's true because I was there.DSC_0053

Then I spent the afternoon with Daddy.  It was really hot outside so we stayed inside and played...DSC_0058

and rested...DSC_0056

And then on Sunday morning we all went for a bike ride, got bagels at Sam's, and then Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me have any coffee.  They're really mean like that.  After Mommy and I napped, we went to the garden and picked tomatoes with my pink bucket.  Then tonight we went to the park for a picnic and a concert - and - here's the REALLY important part!  I walked to the park ALL BY MYSELF.  DSC_0067

I'm very pleased with myself.  And with my shadow.  Isn't it cute?  It walked there, too.DSC_0069

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, she's getting so grown up! Can't wait to see her again.
