Friday, April 30, 2010


IMG_2526Kubiando, friends!  And as any of our fairie friends know, you would respond heartily with, "Kubiando!" as we were taught at the fairie festival today!  We were told that Kubiando represents everything good and pure in the world, and we're all for goodness and purity, so...kubiando!

We were greeted by the Pocket Fairie, who had surprises for everyone!  (Maddie lost her fairie rocks somewhere at the fair...).IMG_2449

Then Ty and Sophie chased bubbles while Maddie looked on, slightly confused and concerned.IMG_2452

There were fairies big:IMG_2463

And fairies small:IMG_2508

Fairies playing instruments:IMG_2479(The instrument she is playing is called a Hang and the music is lovely, hypnotic, and calming.  The artist,  Janet Spahr, has a cd called Hang suasion and we purchased it to put the kids to sleep on the way home - it worked!).

And Maddie's favorite, fairies selling spoons:IMG_2498

While I thought we might leave with fairie wings or a fairie wand, we more appropriately left with a fairie spoon.  Maddie, naturally, was thrilled:IMG_2533

If you're local, check out the Spoutwood Farm Mayday Fairie Festival - it's a lot of fun.  Next year, we'll be better dressed for the occasion.

America's Next Top Model

I don't even know if that show is on any more, but if Maddie was on it, she would totally be hearing, "Madeleine Bailey, you are still in the running to become America's Next Top Model."



We promise Maddie's never actually seen a modeling show...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Madame Blueberry

I'm so blue-ue-ue, blue-ue-ue, blue-ue-ue-ue!  I'm so blue I don't know what to do.*


*Theme music provided by Veggie Tales.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Joke's On Us

Do you remember that April Fool's post about us having a new baby but not being pregnant?  Yeah, so, umm....joke's on us, because we are pregnant!

It's still early and it's been quite a rollercoaster, but we're very excited.  We found out about two weeks ago, then went to the doctor and on the ultrasound he didn't find a baby.  He told us we had an anembryonic pregnancy, or blighted ovum, and that we would miscarry.  He gave us the choice to have a d&c, take medicine to induce the miscarriage, or wait it out naturally.  I chose to wait, and thank goodness.

We were devastated.  

A week later the nausea continued, and it escalated to not being able to keep anything down (even water) by Wednesday afternoon (sound familiar?).  Honestly, I was angry because if there was no baby, why did I have to throw up?  Dakota remembered I had a Zofran stash left over from my pregnancy with Maddie, and that magic pill saved us from having to go to the emergency room for IV fluids - again.

I contacted the doctor, who was concerned that I may have a molar pregnancy and wanted me to come in the next day.  He said there was a 3-5% chance of it being a molar pregnancy, less than 1% chance that it would continue on as a normal pregnancy, and most likely, the throwing up was just an anomaly on my way to miscarriage. 

We went in the next day and saw a different doctor.  She turned the screen away from us so we wouldn't have to see an empty uterus, but after a moment said, "Honey, I have good news for you!"

I began crying and Dakota and I were trying to hug and it was completely and wonderfully overwhelming.  Then she showed us our eight week old baby with a heartbeat.  Once again, we're in love.

We're due Nov. 26th, though with the likelihood of recurring ICP, we will probably deliver in late October.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Turn!

Maddie and I have been having tea parties for some time, but she's just recently started feeding me, her puppy, her dolls, herself, and even her grandparents via skype!  To add to the cuteness, today she cleaned up the area under her high chair after she ate, wiping it down like Mommy does (only with a grape-scented nose wipe).  She's all about it being her turn!DSC_0331


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

It's been a long day.  Mommy and Daddy let me sleep in, but then they popped me right into the shower when I got up.  Before I knew it, I was clean and fed and dressed and out the door - no play time!  Then at the Easter service I signed "no" a lot to the guy preaching and Daddy asked if it was the delivery or the message I disagreed with.  What???  Later I got some shortbread biscuits with chocolate (and I liked it!) and I took a couple naps.  I took Mommy and Daddy to the park and went down the slide one meeeellion times and then we came home and I went to bed. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!  DSC_0037

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

This morning was the annual FedHillKids Easter Egg Hunt.  We gathered at the park and waited for the race for the eggs to begin!DSC_0353

When they let us in the gates, I looked for a spot without kids so Maddie wouldn't feel overwhelmed.  See how much that helped?DSC_0354

Maddie spotted the egg she wanted.DSC_0355

And tentatively reached for it.DSC_0356

Clearly, this was a traumatic experience.DSC_0357

And...we're done.DSC_0358

At least Mommy had fun...DSC_0363

Happy Easter, everyone!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Baby

No, no, it's not what you think. We are NOT pregnant. But, we do have a new baby. You see, this past year has been great and we've loved getting to know Madeleine. But she's kind of clingy and demanding, so we decided to try a more chill baby on for size. Meet the new Maddie:DSC_0253 
She takes great naps, can entertain herself, is super cute - the only drawback is that she stays up a lot later than old Maddie, so we may have to switch back.