Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And the Stork Says...

Boy!  Dakota and I were admittedly a bit surprised when the doctor said, "You're having a boy."  And when we told Maddie, she said, "Ugh oh."  The cats don't know what they're in for.

But now we'll start working on swapping out pink for blue and getting ready for this new little person! 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pink or Blue?

Monday we have our anatomy scan and, if the baby cooperates, we'll know if we're having a boy or girl!  But for kicks, tell us what YOU think we're having.  

Facts: I was put on Zofran at 7 wks with both pregnancies, hospitalized once for dehydration with each, this baby's heartrate has been in the 150s, and with Maddie I was freezing and with this one I'm hot (it has been like 100 degrees here lately, though!).  I have absolutely no gut feeling about whether it's a boy or girl.  Here I am at 18 wks:


Now...VOTE!  Hurry!  Poll is at the top to your right.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pretty in Pink

See my bucket?  I bet you want to play with it.  Everyone at the park did.  But it's mine.  My bucket.  And I like it.  And it matches my dress.  Does your bucket match your dress?DSC_0164